Localização: Brasil


Currently pathologist at Rede Dor Pathology Laboratory, member of the International Society of Uropatology, member of the LARCG (Latin American Renal Cancer Group) and member of the Kidney Tumors Study Group of the International Society of Pediatrics (SIOP). Medical degree from the University of Marília (2008). Medical residency in Pathology by the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC and a complementary medical residency by the Hospital AC Camargo Cancer Center.

Master’s degree in oncology (uropathology) by the Fundação Pio XII. Worked as a medical pathologist at the Cancer Hospital of Barretos and at the AC Camargo Cancer Center, working mainly in the areas of uropatology and molecular pathology.

Conteúdo Programático

Dia 1 - 29/05/2024
Horário14:00SalaSala 07

Caso 1 / Seminário de Lâminas Digital - Uropatologia | 29 14h - 15:30h

Dia 2 - 30/05/2024

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Dia 3 - 31/05/2024

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Dia 4 - 01/06/2024

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