Localização: Estados Unidos


Currently, Dr. Bagg is a Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of
Pennsylvania (where he has been for close to a quarter of a century!), and divides his time between
attending in hematopathology (he also has an extramural consultation practice), teaching and research.
He has previously served as Director of Hematology, Director of the Hematopathology Laboratory,
Director of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America-funded Minimal Residual Disease Core
Facility of the University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Centre for
Immunotherapy and Medical Director of the Cancer Cytogenetics Laboratory. Between 2013 and 2015,
he was coerced into becoming the Interim Director of Hematopathology. He was once awarded a
patent for a novel flow cytometry assay for diagnosing myelodysplastic syndromes that nobody uses.
He has been the recipient of numerous research grants, including some from the National Institutes of

Conteúdo Programático

Dia 1 - 29/05/2024
Horário14:00SalaSala 02

Genetic testing in small B-cell neoplasms: applications in diagnosis, prognosis and theragnosis / Hematopatologia | 29 14h - 15:30h

Dia 2 - 30/05/2024
Horário10:00SalaSala 07

Questions and Comments / Seminário de Lâminas Digital - Hematopatologia | 30 09h - 10:30h

Horário09:45SalaSala 07

Case 4 / Seminário de Lâminas Digital - Hematopatologia | 30 09h - 10:30h

Horário09:30SalaSala 07

Case 3 / Seminário de Lâminas Digital - Hematopatologia | 30 09h - 10:30h

Horário09:15SalaSala 07

Case 2 / Seminário de Lâminas Digital - Hematopatologia | 30 09h - 10:30h

Horário09:00SalaSala 07

Case 1 / Seminário de Lâminas Digital - Hematopatologia | 30 09h - 10:30h

Horário09:10SalaSala 02

Genetic testing in myeloid neoplasm: the tools and how to use them / Hematopatologia | 29 09h - 10:30h

Dia 3 - 31/05/2024

Nenhum registro para esse dia.

Dia 4 - 01/06/2024

Nenhum registro para esse dia.