Localização: Estados Unidos

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Dia 1 - 29/05/2024

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Dia 2 - 30/05/2024

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Dia 3 - 31/05/2024

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Dia 4 - 01/06/2024
Horário14:50SalaSala 02

How immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology can aid surgical pathologists in small biopsies of bone and soft tissue / Patologia Óssea e de Partes Moles | 01 14h - 15:30h

Horário09:55SalaSala 02

Ewing-like non-EWS, small round cell neoplasms: How genetic data could help in the diagnosis and how to arrive to the accurate diagnosis in locations that could not be distinguished by the genetic findings / Patologia Óssea e de Partes Moles | 01 09h - 10:30h